Walgreen Trip today

>> Monday, March 16, 2009

I did very well at Walgreen's today. My husband went with me and he left saying wow you got $37 worth of stuff for $13 dollars! And I didn't even try extra hard. They had Charmin tpaper for 3.49 and I had .25 cent off coupons (bought two). I also got a clearance tucks pads (for son in law....shhshhs don't tell him I wrote about that...lol) for 1.99 and I had a 2.00 coupon. I got two boxes of Kleenex for .89 cents each. One Irish springs body wash 4.49 (used free Catalina). I also got three 24pks of water for 2.99 each as well as a loaf of emergency bread (we were out) and two emergency candy bars for my husband...poor baby. I used the RR I had from the previous week, some in ad coupons and poof...$24 of savings.

Hubby got one book shelf done tonight, one down one more to put together and then on to the putting the desk together. I can't wait to get some order back to my living room.

My precious baby gets her shots tomorrow and probably make her spaying appt. But it must be done.

My son in law to be took his placement exams for college today and he did well, so we are very proud that he took this first step. It is so hard to step outside the norm and do new, exciting and scary things.

The weather was fantastic here today and warmer tomorrow....yeah hoo...love spring. It is early yet so I know cold weather is still lurking around the corner.


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