Watch the weather change

>> Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What a difference a week can make. Last week it was frigid cold and just a hop skip and jump from my house my friend's house got 2 feet of snow dumped on the whole town. Today you ask? A wonderful balmy, record setting 62 degrees. Can you believe it? The snow is all but melted. I had the windows cracked in my car for fresh air. My daughter has her bedroom window open for fresh air. (I would open the living room door for a bit of air except my father in law is wrapped in an electric blanket on high).

I took some new pictures to add to the slide show. It was so fun to watch my new puppy outside. This was the very first time she ran in the yard, she ate grass and dirt, she chased leaves and the other dogs. She found that sticks are fun to chew on too. We stayed outside for a half hour just enjoying the air and wet outdoors. My other two pups were wondering around and chasing squirrels up the pine trees. I have a 1/2 acre fenced in that borders all my neighbors back yards so we have lots of room and privacy.


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