Healthier Peanut Butter Cookies Updated

>> Monday, February 22, 2010

My entire family has been eating better this week and it shows with everyone showing a weight loss this week. We started out by detoxing for a few days with only eating raw fruits and veggies. It was difficult but it helped clear your system out and shell shocked me and my husband from diet soda. My poor hubby has given up his white bread, miracle whip, and diet dr. pepper. Very difficult for him.

We slowly added back in some whole grains and then some chicken. We kept the fruit and veggies as the main part of the meal. My daughter has been helping me a lot by prepare meals, cleaning up and we have been eating as a family.

Last night we were discussing dinner and how much we were craving something sweet like cookies but we didn't really know what to do with it so we talked about what cookie recipes I have that can be healthy. My friend, Denise made monster cookies this year that were great and I made them several times since. So my daughter and I sat and played with that recipe on the recipe calculator to see how we can get it to be healthier. We took out m&m and put in nuts, then we took the nuts back out...we just played around until we decided what would it taste like just as a peanut butter cookie? And this is what we came up version of the healthier peanut butter cookie. Here is the recipe if you were to use splenda sugars and almond butter, Healthier Butter cookie.

Although the calorie count is still up there a bit, the ingredients are really good. They turned out great and a couple of cookies hit the spot so well. If you want a weight lose site this one is great Spark people. I like using it for recipes, recipe calculator, message boards, calorie counting and more.


Denise February 23, 2010 at 1:41 PM  

How would the calorie count be if you used Almond butter and Splenda Brown Sugar??
Just a thought. Great job on everything I am so proud of you!!!

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