The fruits of my labor: The first harvest

>> Friday, May 29, 2009

Look at my first harvest...leaf lettuce! I am really amazed at how well my little lasagna garden is doing. My area is abound with the new growth. I was so busy this week I didn't get to check the garden and I should have been getting this lettuce all week long. We have a wonderfully full big size ziplock bag full of lettuce to eat on this weekend and my father in law is eating a nice big salad made with my lettuce right now!

Here is a picture of my lasagna garden today. To the left you see my thinned out lettuce. Next to that is the cauliflower and then cabbage. The sort of blank space by the lettuce is the mix of cucumbers and zucchini. Don't ask me how that happened but the sprouts are starting to come up nicely. Next to that is several types of tomatoes and on the right side next to tomatoes is the zucchini. You will notice the string and cages. I will start to "train" the zucchini, cucs and tomatoes to climb instead of spread as it grows. This is why we can pack so much into the area. The soil is wonderful! My friend, Denise said she has some weeds in hers, so far mine is going good. I do need to weed whack around it but I told my husband to stay away from that entire area with the whacker and mower. I don't trust him. SMILE :)

Here is a close up at the zucchini. WOW it doubled size overnight and I am not kidding. The last two days have been a bit cool and damp, the garden loved it. This weekend I will string it to the sides and start the climb upwards. You see to the left my pepper plants and to the left is more tomatoes and cabbage.

Above you see my raspberry bush. It is doing well this year and you can see some white flowers where the berries will come on...I have had this bush for 4 years and it has grown considering it was a stick when I got it but I wonder if I should move it. I will have to research that possibility.

The lasagna garden is working well for me. I have enjoyed it and can't wait until I can get some more started. Growing your own food is economic and healthy. If you would like to follow the lasagna garden series click here.

Your turn, what does your gardens look like and how is it growing? Did you use lasagna gardening, old fashion gardening, container gardening or any other type?


Anonymous May 29, 2009 at 9:23 PM  

I am soooo jealous! I will post pictures of my sad little garden tomorrow, I know you are holding your breathe!I have been afraid to let ya all see it! Hopefully you made "Wilted Lettuce?" My DH says to send us what you can't use.

Emmett May 30, 2009 at 4:06 AM  

i like the pictures, makes me want to eat salad.

Paula May 30, 2009 at 10:34 AM  

Marilyn if I send you the left over lettuce it will be wilted! lol

Emmett, thanks I really want to catalog this years garden series and hopefully it will make me want to do more next year. Something so positive about growing your own food.

Denise May 30, 2009 at 10:41 AM  

it looks great! Wonder why mine is getting some weeds...hmmmmmm

Michelle June 4, 2009 at 10:09 AM  

Oh, your lettuce looks great! Mine is a sad tiny leaf right now - just one or two on each plant. Not sure what I am doing wrong ;>(

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