The Enviromental Department

>> Tuesday, January 20, 2009

BeCentable has a environmental highlight on a blog site called the greenbaglady. You can read that highlight by using my right side bar to go to becentable.

This reminded me how much I have been slacking in the environmental department. I was recycling, using my bags, using my homemade cleaners and much more. daughter moved back in and my new job got in the way and my recycling has gone out the window.

I went to the doctor this week and my blood pressure was very high, I had excuses as to why I hadn't gotten my medicine in the past few days and the weather had been bad but the doctor looked at me and said, "There are no excuses for a stroke. You have to do what you have to do."

This is true of the environment as well. There are no excuses. I just need to get a better system that works for our family right now. I apologize for my adding to the environmental problems. I will add a few sites to the side bar.


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