What do you do in an emergency?

>> Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I live in the midwest right on the michigan/Indiana line so we get all the great snowy weather. We get system snow. We get lake effect snow (this is snow that develops over lake michigan for all you people in warm areas). And lake effect snow...well it is unpredictable. You could get two inches at your house and less then a mile away they could get a foot and I am not kidding you. So when a true lake effect warning goes out we tend to pay attention....however this next storm is a concern because it is a system storm that they don't know what it is going to do. The last "ice" storm we had was many years ago and it shut down the city for days. We were without electric/heat for three days. So my question is what do you do in an emergency?

If you have been reading a lot of the blogs then you probably have a pretty good stock pile going, but what about water, milk, batteries and such?

I was planning a trip to the store tomorrow anyway for bread and milk and the weekly specials but if I couldn't get there tomorrow we would be bread and milk less. Makes you think.

Hopefully we will get nothing but some snow...we can handle snow...we live with the snow...its the ice that puts me on edge.

Are you stocked? Have enough for a few days of food? Can you cook? (we can light our stove and we have a fire place) Tell me what you would do?


Lisa December 17, 2008 at 8:58 PM  

hope the weather is not that terrible for you and your family.

Beeb December 19, 2008 at 11:05 PM  

Last year we had a huge storm and were without power for almost five days. Luckily, Grandma has a fireplace and woodburning stove, so we camped out there and cooked up meat from the freezer like crazy. We could heat up water and cook soups and the like on the stove. I definitely have a power outage stockpile because it happens here so much. Take care, Paula! My advice would be to start cooking whatever you may have in the freezer and use up those perishables. Think of what you could fry in a pan, or boil....soups, stews, pastas, or the like.

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