Another weekend gone by

>> Sunday, February 15, 2009

How was your VDAY? Nothing special here but I expected that so I wasn't disappointed. I actually was in bed by 8pm. I was very tired and my joints (knees) were hurting. I need to get back on the band wagon to losing weight.

Sunday morning around 8am the dogs were barking so I knew my father in law would be up and need to change from his wet things. I got up and talked to him, fed the dogs and went in to wake my husband up. I told my husband that his father needed his bath and it did not make sense to have him change into dry clothes just to undress later and take a bath. We were meeting my mother and my family for her birthday dinner at 1pm. My husband was well...frustrated at the situation and he likes to sleep in and having to work Saturdays have not allowed this so he did not want to get up. Well neither did I but I did. Long story short we had to leave by 12:15 and his father got a bath at 11:45.

I never made a big deal out of it but I said this to him, "I have taken a lot of responsibility on with your father and there are days that I could sleep late but I don't get too either. I didn't make the situation and neither did he, it just is what it is and that is that. Today was supposed to be about my family and I need you to remember that please." That is it and I let it go.

No coupons today so I didn't get a paper. I did make my own laundry soap yesterday. I haven't done that in months and it felt good to do it again. It saves me money but it also saves my skin because it is better for me and smells so clean.


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