Meatless Monday

>> Monday, January 12, 2009

My first meatless Monday...went mostly well. Breakfast, lunch was fine...dinner...not so much. I tried the salmon burgers I bought at Sam's Club. I just didn't care for them. Next time I will just make my own as I always have and put those on a bun, then I would have liked them.

I also tried the brownie recipe below with the new stevia sweetener. Threw them away. It wasn't the brownie recipe it was the stevia, I didn't do the ratio right and the brownies were bitter and nasty. Waste.

Not a good day for food adventure but as I told my husband you have to try new things in order to know if it is good or not.

Time to relax for the evening and settle down. We are expecting another big storm ...again...and it is supposed to be blizzard like....High 4...yes I said 4 and winds 35 mph which means the wind chill will be way below zero along with some additional 3-6 inches of snow blowing around. Yuck, yuck and more yuck. Can I come stay at some one's house that is having a heat wave???


Denise January 12, 2009 at 8:28 PM  

I tried the brownies also.they were ok. The Agave and splenda mde them sweet enough i just really like the Namaste brand of Brownie mix that is sugar free and flour free. They are the best. You can find them at the health food store.They are much better than these....MUCH

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