I am sorry

>> Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sorry everyone. My life sort of got out of control the past two weeks. The end of the school semester, my new job and some construction things happening at home took over and there has been no time for anything much less my blog.

This is how bad it has been....I have two Sunday newspapers that I have not even looked at yet. I know....!!!

Today I have to help my daughter's grandmother look at new cars and then tonight I am planning some new updates so please check back by tomorrow for updates.

Please make sure you have checked your email for cvs$5/30 coupon they have been sending out.

I look forward to having some fun with my blog tonight/tomorrow. I need to relax and have some fun. I did go scrapping with my friends last night. I had them laughing because I was so tired I had the giddy laughter that happens and I was just goofy.


Lisa December 13, 2008 at 4:27 PM  

Hey Paula..

You don't have to apologize at all! We all have lives that take priority over our blogs and family (including you) comes first.

Just ge back in the swing of blogging when you can. The holidys cn be particularly hectic!

Cents To Save

Paula December 13, 2008 at 9:23 PM  


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