Saving Money 101

>> Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Time to think about saving money 101


Overall I think I do pretty well saving money when I want to...when I want to is the point. Sometimes we get into ruts where we have some extra cash and if we don't have coupons, or have not organized our stash we don't bother. That is OK sometimes but now that I am without income and so is my husband it is time to cut back (again). I am up to this challenge, I really have to be don't I?

I need everyone to list the most ways in which they save money. I want to read about all of them!! The big, small, funny things you can't believe you do. I want to hear how you cut back on bills, food, drugs and more. I know there are ways in which I save and some may be the same as you but everyone has different ideas and we all need to hear them. I will get us started. Please pass this blog around to others who might be interested because I want to get a huge list going and save money 101 for everyone.

Things I have done already to save money
  1. I called our dish company to get a lower rate. I called back when they wouldn't work with me they only wanted to drop $10 bucks and make us sign a contract for a year. We plan on switching plans but the new company wont have their program up and running for a few more months yet. Then we will bundle phone, cable and Internet. So for now we will leave it be.
  2. I recently found out my husband will eat beans. I bought dried beans and plan to freeze them.
  3. I buy meat in bulk and freeze it.
  4. I get all my pain killers, makeup, personal needs (toilet paper/Kleenex and such) free or at discounted prices. (sales/coupons)
These are just a fraction of what I do. Now its your turn. Let us know how it is going in your house and what you do to save money.


Unknown May 14, 2009 at 7:54 AM  

Here's some little things we do:

- I hang our clothes out to dry on nice days instead of using the dryer.

- We don't have a home phone. Furthermore, I put my mother and grandmother on our family plan (only $10 more per line). So 4 cell phones that never run out of minutes for $114 a month.

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